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Instant Karma: Rewarding Your Actions
As a Registered Volunteer (RV) in our rewards program, you’ll enjoy exclusive benefits and rewards. By participating, you’ll make a positive impact in your community while earning exciting rewards. Thank you for your dedication to making a difference

Thank You Rewards

Welcome to the Bluebird Awards Thank You Rewards Program!


Our mission is to support grieving families and children by uniting dynamic, entrepreneurial individuals who share our passion. If you’re interested in joining us as a Registered Volunteer, we’re excited to offer you a sign-up bonus of 1,000 Thank You Points. Each point is valued at $1 and can be redeemed once you accumulate 5,000 Thank You Points.

How It Works:

  • Earn Points: Registered Volunteers can earn Thank You Points through special acknowledgment gifts for enrolling sponsors or performing special services that contribute to our mission.

  • Redeem Points: Points can be redeemed at BAZAAR, our company store, or for a pre-paid American Express Gift Card or Debit Card.

Getting Started:

  1. Register: Sign up to become a Registered Volunteer.

  2. Confirm: Send us a confirming message to ensure your points are properly credited to your new Thank You Rewards Account.

Valuing Contributions:

  • Registered Volunteers: Valued based on performance.

  • Staff Members: Valued based on performance and accountability.

Program Details:

  1. No Expiration: Unredeemed Thank You Points have no expiration date and accumulate tax-free until redeemed.

  2. Redemption Threshold: Points cannot be redeemed until they total 5,000, ensuring continued participation as a productive volunteer.

Each point earned has a value of $1.00 and is redeemable according to the Thank You Points Value Table shown below.

Redemption Policy

Registered Volunteer Rewards Points

À propos des points de remerciement

Des points sont gagnés pour la performance et par des prix de reconnaissance spéciaux.

Les points sont accumulés dans un compte membre.  Chaque point a une valeur imputée d'un dollar américain (1 $).

Les membres sont des bénévoles inscrits aux Bluebird Awards.

Devenez membre bénévole inscrit ici .

Utilisation des points de remerciement

Au fur et à mesure que les points s'accumulent, leur valeur totale augmente.

Les membres ont le choix. Les points peuvent être échangés au Bazaar, notre magasin d'entreprise.

ou sous forme de carte-cadeau électronique American Express d'un montant de 25 $ à 3 000 $.

Devenir membre bénévole inscrit ici.

Tableau de valeur des points

25 Points ... Parrainez un enfant éligible 

100 points ... trouvez un sponsor de la charte

100 points ... initier un prix commémoratif

1 000 Points ... Dotation Bluebird

1 000 points ... Commanditaire corporatif

2 500 Points ... Parrain Premium

5 000 points ... Sponsor de classe mondiale.

Programme  les détails sont à

Plans de don.

Récompenses de valeur en points pour les renouvellements... 50 % pendant dix ans sur la base d'un service continu aux sponsors*  

* Sous réserve d'autres  délimitation, examen juridique  et l'approbation du conseil. 

It costs nothing to sign on as an RV and wait to be called upon. Then send us your picture to be added here.

Register to Volunteer

Work from home or anywhere!

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Thanks for registering.

Acts of kindness heal grieving children

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